

All of the texts, images and other works published on this website are copyrighted by US-E unless otherwise indicated. Any reproduction, distribution, storage, transmission, sending, rendering or forwarding of the contents is expressly prohibited without the written consent of US-E.


US-E compiles the contents of this website and its pages with the greatest possible care and ensures that the contents are regularly updated. Nevertheless, the information provided here serves solely as non-binding general information and is no substitute for in-depth individual consultation. We reserve the right to make changes to the contents at any time.

US-E assumes no liability whatsoever for the topicality, accuracy and completeness of the information on this website and its pages, nor for undisrupted access to such at all times. If the website features third-party references (links), US-E assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the contents of pages accessed by such links.

Data protection policy

The protection of your data is something we take very seriously. We act according to relevant legal provisions. Please read further details in our data protection policy.